Contact us

Details regarding how to contact us are published on this page

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NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB is a statutory organisation accountable for NHS spend and performance for 1.7 million people. The ICB is a core member of the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, alongside NHS providers, local councils, health and care providers and voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations. You can find contact details for our partners by clicking here.

Please see below for ICB contact details.

Freedom to Speak Up (FTSU) inbox
The Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (HNYICB) welcomes speaking up and will listen. By speaking up at work, you will be playing a vital role in helping us to keep improving services for all patients and service users. This policy applies to all ICB employees, those on temporary or honorary contracts, Provider Collaborative, Members of the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP), members of its committees and sub-committees, Non-executive Directors, any staff seconded to the ICB and contract and agency staff. Any reference to staff or individuals applies to all the aforementioned.

Where staff are not ICB employees, but they have concerns about patient safety and quality matters which relate to an organisation operating within the ICB, these issues can still be raised through this policy and through the supporting procedures available. You can find the policy here
Employees should contact the ICB using

Patient queries, comments and complaints

If you are unhappy with the treatment or service you have received from NHS services, or adult social care services (for North East Lincolnshire only), you have the right to make a complaint, have it looked into and receive a response, and this is written into the NHS Constitution on GOV.UK, and the North East Lincolnshire Council Constitution. You can raise your concerns immediately by speaking with the staff involved in your care who will attempt to resolve your complaint informally. Alternatively, you can contact the Humber and North Yorkshire ICB’s Experience Team:

Telephone: 01482 957750

Writing to us at: The Experience Team
Humber and North Yorkshire ICB
Health Place
Wrawby Road
DN20 8GS

You can find more information about the experience team here.

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act gives you the right to ask any public sector organisation for all the recorded information they have on any subject. Anyone can make a request for information – there are no restrictions on your age, nationality or where you live. Click here for more information on FOIs.

You can contact the Freedom of Information Team at

Subject Access Request

The Data Protection Act 2018 gives living individuals the right to request access to personal records held about them by the ICB. You can ask to see what information the ICB holds about you by making a subject access request (SAR).  Click here for more information on SARs.

You can contact the Subject Access Request Team at

Continuing Health Care

NHS Continuing Health Care (CHC) is provided for people who need to maintain their wellbeing but do not need to be in hospital. We currently have six CHC teams based on location, please see their contact details below:

To enquire about a legal issue please e-mail

Primary Care

If you are looking for details of local dentistsGP surgeriespharmacies or other services please visit

If you are a patient or member of the public and have a query or concern regarding primary care services, please email the Patient Experience team at

If you are a provider and want to contact our Primary Care team, please email

If you are an East Riding Pharmacist wanting to request DomMar Charts, please email

Patient Transport for providers use only

For all patient transport requests and queries please contact Contracts Team on the email address below. This is to be used by providers only.
The ‘subject’ of the email must include ‘Patient Transport request’ and emails must not include Patient Identifiable Information in the request (including NHS number). This is not required and receiving this would be a breach of GDPR.

Questions to the Board

Members of the public are invited to send questions to be answered as part of upcoming Board meetings via
For more information and guidance on submitting your question please click here. Details of Board meetings can be found at Meetings and Papers – Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB).

Finance services

For finance related queries please contact

Service Planning

If you are a patient or member of the public and have a query or concern regarding NHS services, please contact the patient experience team

If you are a provider and have a query regarding NHS service planning address, please contact

Media queries

If you are contacting us from the media, please email our communications team at

MP and Councillor queries

If you are an MP or Councillor looking to contact the ICB relating to matters in your constituency, please email