Get Involved
We know that listening to people is important. Listening helps us to learn from patients, carers, staff and communities. In turn, this can help make sure health services meet all of our needs.
We are committed to meaningful conversations with people, on the right issues at the right time. We want our local communities to help us plan, develop and improve services by sharing your views and experiences. Involvement is not one size fits all and we are committed to ensuring conversations happen with local people about issues which are important to them, in a way that supports and empowers them.
We will aim for conversations to be as inclusive as possible, and this will include working closely with voluntary, community, and social enterprise partners as well as local Healthwatch organisations. We will also work with people and communities to co-design the way we involve you in our processes to ensure that everyone who wants to can have a voice, and that these are at the centre of decision-making and governance, at every level of the health and care partnership.
On this page you will find links to involvement that is happening at the moment. Some of this work will be of interest to many people within our communities. However, some might be quite specific to certain group within our communities. Please have a look, join in, have your say and share widely.
You can also check out our Engagement Hub for the latest opportunities to get involved in the work of our Yorkshire and Humber Cancer Alliance.
Engagement Approach 2024 – 2028. Working with People and Communities
This plan was developed in collaboration with all the partners that make up the Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care System, including engagement and patient experience professionals, people from voluntary and community groups, Healthwatch, as well as
patients and members of the public. We believe in keeping our patients and public informed about the latest local health and social care developments.
To read the document click here
Non Emergency Patient Transport – review of eligibility criteria
We are working in partnership with Yorkshire Ambulance Service to review the eligibility criteria for Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services, in line with the updated national eligibility criteria published by NHS England. During October and November 2024, we directly sought the views of patients to help inform our clinical decision making. The feedback report is now available here and we would like to thank everyone who took the time to provide their views.

Proposed changes to some hospital services in Northern Lincolnshire: public consultation now closed
The public consultation on a proposal to change the way some services are provided at Grimsby and Scunthorpe Hospitals has now closed. The consultation launched on 25th September and ran for 14 and a half weeks. More information about the proposal is provided on our dedicated Consultation website at
The Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) will consider the views and evidence provided during this public consultation alongside other material information – such as changes to policy, regulations or clinical standards and any updated activity or workforce modelling – before making a decision on how these services should be delivered in the future. The Decision-Making Business Case will be made public through the Integrated Care Board website on the Meeting and Papers page.