Sodium Valproate
- NHS England » Sodium valproate
- Sodium valproate: medicine to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder – NHS (
- Valproate use by women and girls – GOV.UK (
- Safe use of valproate in patients of childbearing age – PrescQIPP (Log in required)
- Valproate safety dashboard | NHSBSA (Log in required)
- Sodium Valproate resources and information | General Pharmaceutical Council (
- Update on MHRA review into safe use of valproate – GOV.UK (
- Valproate patient card
- Patient Guide: What women and girls need to know about valproate (
- NHS England » Letter to women and girls taking sodium valproate
- Valproate Pregnancy Prevention Programme: actions required now from GPs, specialists, and dispensers – GOV.UK (
- National Patient Safety Alert: Valproate: organisations to prepare for new regulatory measures for oversight of prescribing to new patients and existing female patients (NatPSA/2023/013/MHRA)
- Valproate safety measures
- Valproate: dispense full packs of valproate-containing medicines