Who we are

The Experience Team at the Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (HNYICB) provide a service to the populations of:

  • East Riding
  • Hull
  • North East Lincolnshire
  • North Lincolnshire
  • North Yorkshire
  • York

The Team can support and assist you, as below, in relation to health and care services which are commissioned by the HNYICB. These services include:

  • Primary Care Providers (GP, Dental, Optometry and Pharmacy)
  • Secondary Care Providers ( your local Hospitals, Mental Health Providers and Ambulance Services, for example)
  • Adult Social Care Services (North East Lincolnshire only)

We do encourage individuals to raise their concerns with the provider where they are happy and comfortable to do so. We do this for a number of reasons including the speedy resolution of issues at source and recognising that positive relationships with services should be maintained. You can raise your concerns with staff and teams involved in your care or their respective provider Experience Team.

What we do: compliments, concerns, enquiries and comments

Our Experience Support Officers are your first point of contact and can support you in a number of ways.

If you have a compliment, concern, complaint or would simply like some free and confidential advice in relation to a healthcare service you have received (or adult social care for North-East Lincolnshire residents) please contact the Experience Team who will be happy to help you.

When contacting the team please provide as much information as you can about the reason for your contact, including which GP Practice you are registered with. This identifies which of the 6 areas you live in and will help us to help you more efficiently.

The team will advise and agree with you the best way forward. This may include signposting to the healthcare provider, with your permission.

The Experience Team can be contacted as follows:

Email:                                hnyicb.experience@nhs.net

Telephone:                       01482 957750

The Experience Team
Humber and North Yorkshire ICB
Health Place
Wrawby Road
DN20 8GS

What we do: Complaints

All providers and commissioners of NHS services are required to have a procedure for handling complaints in line with the NHS complaint procedure and should make this easily accessible to the public.

Independent complaint advocacy services (ICAs) are available to support you with your complaint. These services are free and are independent of the NHS. Your local Healthwatch can help you find independent NHS complaints advocacy services in your area. You can also contact social services at your local council and ask about advocacy services. Find your local social services.

If you are still not comfortable with complaining directly to the healthcare provider we can discuss this with you to better understand the reasons and advise you on the best way forward.

If, after this, you prefer the HNYICB to liaise with the provider on your behalf, please understand that the provider will still be responsible for the investigation and writing a response. The ICB will be acting as a facilitator in sending the complaint to the provider and forwarding the response back to you, with a covering letter from the ICB.

If you are unhappy with the response and the provider’s further attempts to resolve matters for you, then you may wish to refer your case to the Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO). This is the second and final stage of the NHS complaints procedure. Please see their website for more information: Welcome to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman | Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO)

Please note, if you have already complained to the provider and remain unhappy with the outcome, the next step is to contact the PHSO, as detailed above and not the HNYICB, as the commissioner.

For your further information, please find links below to:

The Local Authority Social Services and National Health Service Complaints (England) Regulations 2009 – The Local Authority Social Services and National Health Service Complaints (England) Regulations 2009 (legislation.gov.uk)

Concerns and Complaints Policy

Annual Complaints report 2022 – 2023

What we can’t do

The ICB does not have access to patient records. We cannot provide clinical advice and we are not an emergency service. If you require medical attention, please contact your GP or NHS 111. If you need urgent medical attention, please attend an Emergency Department or call 999.