Continuing Healthcare and Section 117 Aftercare
Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) is looking to build a sustainable marketplace with all our partners. Here you can find all the information aimed at those with an interest in either continuing healthcare or Section 117 Aftercare including regular event information and helpful frequently asked questions.
At our regular events we will share our progress to date and look ahead to what is next for our system in Humber and North Yorkshire. Events include engaging in the transformation plan, financial updates, inflationary uplift engagement, the opportunity to feedback and to network with others from across the system.
All stakeholders are welcome to each event, this includes current and new providers, local authorities, care associations and others.
Booking for each event is essential, you can register your interest by emailing and include your name, type of business and the event/s you would like to attend.
If you would like to join our mailing list for future events, then please respond to this email at
2024 upcoming events
Tuesday 19th November 9.30am – 11.30pm, RaisE Business Centre, Tom Pudding Way, Goole. DN14 6BS
Friday 22nd November 10am – 12pm, Health House, Grange Park Lane, Willerby. HU10 6DT
Monday 25th November 10am -11.30 am, Virtual, Microsoft Teams
Key dates for your diary
November to January – Uplift discussions commence
February/March – Notification of uplift for 2025/26
End of July – Resolution of uplifts for 2025/26
Frequently Asked Questions
We have answered some of the frequently asked questions from our July 2024 event.
Humber and North Yorkshire key contacts
We have published our marketplace contact list to help stakeholders reach the right people. As an ICB we work closely with several local authority partners some of which are responsible for the brokerage of packages and other related queries.
Please email and place ‘FAO followed by name’ in the title of the email, where further escalation required.