Engaging people and communities
The Integrated Care Board has a legal duty under section 14Z45 of the Health and Care Act 2022 to involve individuals, their carers and representatives in the planning, development and consideration of changes which may impact upon them. However, our desire to keep our residents involved in planning, re-designing and commissioning goes much deeper than fulfilling our statutory obligations.
Our Engagement Strategy – Working with People and Communities – has been developed with partners across Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, this includes engagement and patient experience professionals, people from voluntary and community groups, Healthwatch, and patients and members of the public.
Patient and public involvement highlights 2022-2023
During 2022/23, we have engaged with thousands of residents, patients, clinicians, and professionals through a variety of different methods to ensure they contribute to plans, proposals, and decisions about services in Humber and North Yorkshire. Key Highlights include:
The Humber Acute Services Programme held evaluation workshops involving patients and service-users, clinicians, staff and partners across the health and social care sector, local authorities, voluntary and community sector organisations, the public and their representatives. Staff drop-in sessions took place across different hospitals to ensure staff could ask questions about and influence the developing proposals. Engagement events also took place across Lincolnshire’s coastal villages and towns, where many people who access our services live, to hear from women who have used maternity services and to learn about their experiences.
Over 12,000 people have been engaged with since the programme launched in 2018 and there is a commitment to ensuring this process of listening continues throughout all stages of the programme.
Click here for a further update on the work of the Humber Acute Services Programme during 2022-23.
Health and Wellbeing Zone at Hull Pride to connect with members of the LGBTQ+, and wider community. The Zone provided a safe space where more than 1000 people talked about their health and wellbeing with professionals, linked with health services in the city, and had the opportunity to give their views and experiences to ensure that services are accessible for all.
Development of Youth Advisors and Parent and Carer Representatives to support a transformational project across Hull & East Riding to improve access to emotional wellbeing and mental health support. Advisors and representatives will play a critical role in shaping and developing the project, supporting thew involvement of the public, and making key decisions.
Feedback about urgent care services in North and North East Lincolnshire from patients, carers, staff working in the services and other stakeholders to inform a revised model for October 2022.
Community People’s Panels were a part of the recruitment process to appoint the new Director and Assistant Director of Adult Services for North East Lincolnshire. Community representatives were given the opportunity to ask candidates questions and score their responses during interview and recruitment processes.
Qualitative insight to improve eating disorder services in North Lincolnshire. Through in-depth one to one interviews, we asked patients about the support they had been given, their experience of the pathway from referral to discharge and what could be done to improve the experience for others.
Improving primary care services in Bridlington. Since September 2022, the ICB has been working with the Bridlington Primary Care Network, GP practices and patient representatives to help secure the future sustainability of primary care in Bridlington. Following two, very successful, public events around 16,000 patients were safely transferred across to Drs Reddy and Nunn practice, creating two larger and more resilient practices for the town from April 2023.
All the information needed to support patients through the changes was co-produced with the involvement of the local patient participation groups, Healthwatch and Bridlington Health Forum members. This included media releases, social media information, letters to patients, information leaflets, etc.
Catterick Integrated Care Campus. During 2022/23 we continued to work with programme partners to develop a brand-new joint Ministry of Defence and NHS hub delivering a range of health and social care services to improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Catterick Garrison, Richmondshire and beyond. Known as the ‘Catterick Integrated Care Campus’, this ambition would ensure local patient/service users, their carers and families have access to the right care, at the right time, in the right setting, delivered by the right professionals to enhance their wellbeing and independence, and improve their overall quality of life.
Some of the more recent engagement on this project has included holding an event designed to obtain stakeholders’ input to help shape the CICC operating model in February 2023 and a presentation to members of the Richmond Rotary Club and their guests in March 2023.
Children and Young People Autism Assessment Service The contract for the North Yorkshire Autism assessment service for children and young people covering Scarborough, Whitby and Ryedale, was due to come to an end April 2023. As such a review of these services across the whole of North Yorkshire was launched. Parents, carers and family members as well as health and education professionals were invited to share their experience of the service, to help inform the service specification. Parents also took part in the evaluation process in appointing a new service provider.
North Yorkshire Patient Partner Network. With the changing geography to North Yorkshire an event was held in January 2023, which brought together PPG members from the former Vale of York area. Over 32 GP Practices were represented, giving members the opportunity to showcase their work in GP Practice and gain a greater understanding to the changing landscape and the priorities and work plans taking place in North Yorkshire Place.
Support to Refugees and Asylum Seekers. Over the last 12 months we have worked with North Yorkshire County Council and other agencies to support the community. In September 2022 a face to face event was held in Northallerton, to better understand the NHS services available and how they were able to access them. With the support of a translator members shared their own experiences and challenges and were provided with the help and assistance they required,