Governance Information

In accordance with section 14Z25(5) of, and paragraph 1 of Schedule 1B to, the 2006 Act the ICB must have a constitution, which must comply with the requirements set out in that Schedule. The ICB is required to maintain and publish a Constitution (and Standing Orders) (section 14Z29) that set out its membership and the formal means and processes through which it is governed. Both documents have been approved by NHS England. They have also been developed so as to reflect the intended diverse and inclusive working arrangements of the ICB.

To support the Constitution, the ICB has established a Governance Handbook, which sets out our governance structures and arrangements, including respective terms of reference, decision-making powers and membership. The Governance Handbook brings together a wide range of documents that support our Constitution and our commitment to the principles of good governance. It builds on our existing collaborative work to establish more robust mutual accountability and break down barriers between our separate organisations.

The latest versions can be found on our Governance Publication page here.

The Key elements of the Handbook include:

  • A summary of the ICBs Governance Structure.
  • Decision making procedures (including a functions and decision map).
  • Scheme of Reservation and Delegation (SORD).
  • Operational Scheme Delegation (OSD).
  • Standing Financial Instructions (SFIs).

The above can be found here on the Governance Publication page here.

Terms of Reference – To support the integrated care board we have established the following committees.

Governance Policies

The ICB has a suite of mandated documents and policies as an essential part of the safe and effective operation of the Integrated Care Board as a statutory NHS body. Each of the policies and documents supplements the ICB Constitution and supports the ICB’s accountability as a public body.


The ICB remains accountable to NHS England for the maintenance of and compliance to its Constitution. NHS England will carry out an annual assessment of the board’s performance and will publish a report summarising its assessment. NHS England has powers to intervene if it is satisfied that the ICB is failing to discharge any of its functions.

Meet the ICB Board

Humber & North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board – The Humber & North Yorkshire ICB Board is composed of the following members which includes, Executives, Non-Executives, and Partner Members. Details about Board members can be found here.